Rod. Washington Luís km 235 - SP-310, s/n - Bairro Monjolinho, São Carlos/SP, CEP 13565-905
Telefone: (16) 3351-8111 -
Edital nº 4/2022/Tema 1: Materiais/CAPES-PrInt/ProPG
Call #4/2022/Materials/CAPES-PrInt/ProPG
EDITAL DE jovens Talentos
tema 1 - materiais estratégicos
Strategic materials
1.1 Field of knowledge: Materials for Energy; Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Biomaterials and Renewable Materials; Innovative Processes; Modelling and Computational Simulation
1.2 Participating Graduate Program:
Graduate Program in Biotechnology – PPGBiotec
Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering - PPGEQ
Graduate Program in Chemistry - PPGQ
Graduate Program in Civil Engineering - PPGECiv
Graduate Program in Mathematics - PPGM
Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering – PPGCEM
NUMBER available positions: 4 (four)
2.1 Start of activities in Brazil:
Possible months to start the activities in Brazil |
1 |
September, October or November, 2022 |
2 |
January, February or March, 2023 |
2.2 Institution: Universidade Federal de São Carlos
3.1 Deadline for submissions: until May 20th, 2022 – 17:00h (BRT = UTC -3)
3.2 Submission must be done at the link:
4.1 Description
4.1.1 Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship position (Young Talents), granted by the CAPES PrInt Program ( (Program for Institutional Internationalization of the Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutions in Brazil). For young researchers of talent, Brazilians residing abroad (as doctoral full or doctoral sandwich for at least twelve months) or foreigners with relevant international academic and scientific experience. Applicants must hold a PhD degree for at least 1 year and they must be fluent in English. Candidates must have experience abroad in one or more of the following strategic countries: Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Cuba; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; India; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Mexico; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Portugal; Russia; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom (UK); United States (USA); Uruguay
4.2 Objectives
4.2.1 To attract and stimulate the establishment in Brazil of young talent researchers, residing abroad, Brazilian or foreign, with outstanding scientific or technological production.
4.3 Desirable Skills
4.3.1 The fellowship will be awarded one to up four outstanding postdoctoral scholars who have demonstrated the ability to conduct independent and high-quality scientific research. The selected applicants are expected to lead one or more research projects and participate in teaching activities that can foster internationalization. The proposal should be aligned with the goals of the priority theme Strategic Materials, available at (
4.4 How to Apply
4.4.1 Applications must be submitted between April 8th – May 20th, 2022 – 17:00h (UTC -3). Applications will be made exclusively at the link, with the documentation included. Only documents written in English will be accepted.
4.4.2 The following documents must be included in the online application form:
Two reference letters;
Curriculum vitae with published articles that can show the candidate abilities to lead the project.
Ph.D. degree certificate/ diploma or an equivalent document from the graduate program that includes the date of the Doctoral Dissertation defense.
Proof of residential or professional address abroad;
ORCID with links to publications;
Research Proposal (in English language), with no more than 15 pages
Partnership declaration issued by host researcher(s) from UFSCar from one of the participating Graduate Program
5.1 Duration: [12 months]*
*The fellowship can be renewed for up to 12 (twelve) months on condition of satisfactory progress and available funding.
Scholarship stipend: R$ 8.000,00/month.
Travel funds: (round trip) for foreign residents only.
Accommodation assistance: single installment of R$ 2.200,00
Health insurance: R$ 400,00 (
single payment)
Geographic region |
Travel funds: (round trip) for foreign residents only - Real (R$) |
Africa |
5.190,00 |
Central America |
5.050,00 |
North America |
5.050,00 |
South America |
2.200,00 |
Asia |
6.910,00 |
Europe |
4.190,00 |
Oceania |
8.970,00 |
6.1 The selection will consider the candidate recognized competence as a researcher in his/her area of expertise, the candidate curriculum, the research proposal, the motivation letter and the reference letters.
6.2 The selection process can include a personal interview that may be done through a long-distance video conference.
Result of Selection: June 06th, 2022.
April 1, 2022.
Dean of Graduate Studies
Documento assinado eletronicamente por Luiz Eduardo Moschini, Pró-Reitor(a) Adjunto(a), em 01/04/2022, às 23:01, conforme horário oficial de Brasília, com fundamento no art. 6º, § 1º, do Decreto nº 8.539, de 8 de outubro de 2015. |
Documento assinado eletronicamente por Guilherme Aris Parsekian, Docente, em 01/04/2022, às 23:07, conforme horário oficial de Brasília, com fundamento no art. 6º, § 1º, do Decreto nº 8.539, de 8 de outubro de 2015. |
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Modelo de Documento: Edital, versão de 05/Dezembro/2019 |